The Applicability and Use of Doppler Ultrasonography in The First Trimester


In contemporary obstetrics, the idea of “the pathological processes which are apt to cause complications or diseases at the later stages of pregnancy or even at the postnatal period could be revealed in early pregnancy weeks is spreading. Most researchers are readily willing to use all available means of technology to detect the pathologies which could develop in the early weeks of pregnancy. Along with the first trimester screening tests, the importance and application fields of the first trimester doppler ultrasonography is frequently discussed. This review will discuss shortly the first trimester screening tests and then will focus on the advantages and applicability of the first trimester doppler ultrasound as mentioned in the current literature.
(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med;13:2 124-126)
Key Words: First trimester, Doppler ultrasonography, Screening

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