Hysteroscopic Evaluation in Infertile Women with IVF Failure


OBJECTİVE: The aim of this study, to investigate the hysteroscopic evaluation in infertil women with IVF failure.
STUDY DESIGN:  343 infertil women with IVF failure that were performed hysteroscopy and results were evaluated.
RESULT: In a total of 343 women 238 (69%) were found to have normal endometrial cavities. In 31% of subjects, a pathology was observed; 72% of these women had endometrial polyps, 17%  had uterine septum, 7% had leiomyomas and 4% had intrauterine synechia on hysteroscopic examination.
CONCLUSION: The uterin pathology was observed in %31 of the infertil women. Endometrial polyps were most common uterin patology in our study. Our recommendation is failure IVF in infertil women may be hysteroscopy plan.
(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med 2007;13:1 32-33)
Key Words: Infertility, Hysteroscopy, IVF failure

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