Benign and Borderline Cystadenofibroma of the Ovary

Mehmet Coşkun SALMAN, Nasuh Utku DOĞAN, Gürkan BOZDAĞ, Çiğdem HİMMETOĞLU, Alp USUBÜTÜN, Sinan BEKSAÇ

Ankara, Turkey

Two cases of ovarian cystadenofibromas are presented. First case was a 33-year-old woman who was subjected to ovarian cystectomy during cesarean delivery. The cystic mass had solid papillary projections on gross examination and histopathological diagnosis was a benign mucinous ovarian cystadenofibroma. Other patient was a 63-year-old postmenopausal woman presenting with a pelvic mass. During exploratory laparotomy, left ovarian mass having both cystic and solid components was detected. Frozen examination revealed an ovarian cystadenofibroma with borderline foci. Therefore, a staging surgery was performed. Final pathologic examination revealed a stage 1a borderline ovarian cystadenofibroma.
Ovarian cystadenofibromas are rare epithelial tumors with fibrous stroma being the dominant component of the lesion. They usually appear as multilocular cystic masses with solid components mimicking ovarian cancer both on imaging modalities and during surgical exploration. Therefore, accurate preoperative or intraoperative diagnosis is required to avoid excessive surgical procedures.
(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med;14:1 66-68)
Key Words: Cystadenofibroma, Ovarian cancer, Borderline ovarian tumor, Frozen section

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