Severe HELLP Syndrome Following Eclampsia Caused Maternal Death: Report of a Case Ali İrfan GÜZEL, Kadir KANGAL, Ahmet YALINKAYA, Mahmut ERDEMOĞLU Diyarbakır, Turkey We aimed to report a case of severe HELLP syndrome that concluded by maternal death. Our case had very high level of LDH, ALT ,AST and very low level of thrombocyt. In conclusion, the most important biochemical markers for the maternal mortality in HELLP syndrome are high level of LDH, thrombocytopenia, high levels of ALT and AST, proteinuria and preorbital edema. The mortality cause of our case was intracranial hemorrhagea due to HELLP syndrome. Key Words: Severe, HELLP, Maternal death, Intracranial hemorrhagea Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med;15:3 (177 - 178)
Severe HELLP Syndrome Following Eclampsia Caused Maternal Death: Report of a Case Ali İrfan GÜZEL, Kadir KANGAL, Ahmet YALINKAYA, Mahmut ERDEMOĞLU Diyarbakır, Turkey
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