The Value of Transvaginal Uterine Ultrasonography in the Detection of
Endometrial Disease in Perimenopausal Women with Irregular Uterine
Bleeding: Comparison with the Histo-Pathologic Results

Mert GÖL1, Ali BALOĞLU1, Oğuzhan ALPAYDIN2, Ahmet KILYAR1

OBJECTIVE: To examine the value of transvaginal ultrasonography in the detection of endometrial disease in perimenopausal women with irregular uterine bleeding.
STUDY DESIGN: Fifty perimenopausal women with irregular uterine bleeding for at least 3 months were recruited in the study. Endometrial thickness measurement by transvaginal ultrasonography was performed in each patient. Endometrial tissue sampling was performed by dilatation and curettage. The ultrasonographic results were compared with the histological diagnosis obtained from the endometrial biopsy
RESULTS: Mean endometrial thickness was higher in patients with hyperplasia and endometrial cancer than those patients with benign histopathologic diagnoses (P<.05). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of transvaginal ultrasonography were 100%, 87.8%, 80.9%, and 100%, respectively, as determined by a cut-off level of 13 mm.
CONCLUSIONS: Transvaginal sonographic examination of the endometrium is a sensitive diagnostic method for the detection of endometrial cancer and hyperplasia in perimenopausal women with irregular uterine bleeding.
(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med 2005; 11:49-51)

Key Words: Perimenopausal women, Irregular uterine bleeding, Transvaginal ultrasonography

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