Postpartum Eclampsia Without Antenatal Proteinuria and Hypertension-
A Case Report

Banu BİNGÖL, Aydan BİRİ, Yeter DİNGİL, Tuncay NAS, Özdemir HİMMETOĞLU

Postpartum eclampsia without the classical pre-eclamptic signs edema, proteinuria and hypertension is a rarely noticed complication of pregnancy. We report of a woman with postpartum eclampsia on 10th hour who had no signs of hypertension and proteinuria during antenatal period. The patient was followed from the beginning of her pregnancy in our clinic. Her arterial pressure never exceeded 120/70 and no proteinuria was reported. There was no complication during the labor and delivery. On the postpartum 10th hour her arterial pressure became 180/120 and she had a seizure. There are only a few reports in literature like our case and all are reported to be as postpartum late eclampsia cases.
(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med 2005; 11:68-69)

Key Words: Postpartum eclampsia, Proteinuria, Hypertension

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