An Elderly Woman Used a Lastic Ball as Pessary for Long Years

Bülent DURAN1, Sultan SALK1, İsmail SALK2, Mübeccel ARSLAN3, Meral ÇETİN1

A 80 year-old grand multiparous woman admitted to us with the complaints of severe acute upper abdominal pain reflecting to back, nausea, and vomiting. Abdominal ultrasonogrphy and abdominopelvic computed tomography revealed an oval- shaped, smooth surfaced, and calcified pelvic mass with a diameter of 6x6 cm in addition to cholecystitis findings. Then cholecystectomy was performed with the diagnosis of cholecystitis. Physical examination showed an impacted lastic ball with the dimensions of 6x6 cm in the vagina. On further questioning, she recalled that she has placed this lastic ball approximately thirthy years ago. In literature, this is first case of a vaginal foreign body used as a pessary for long years.
(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med 2005; 11:76-77)

Key Words: Lastic ball, Vaginal foreign body, Pessary

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