The Importance of Genetic Counseling in Couples Complaining From
Habitual Abortions

Mehmet Ali ERGUN, Yasemin SOYSAL, G. Didem AKAY, Necat İMİRZALIOĞLU

OBJECTIVE: To study the aborted material of patients complaining from habitual abortion.
STUDY DESIGN: Aborted materials obtained from ninety patients, having ?3 spontaneous pregnancy losses, and the parents of the cases that balanced chromosomal translocations were diagnosed were included in this study for cytogenetic analysis.
RESULTS: Spontaneous aborted materials were studied and in 8.8% of the materials structural chromosomal abnormalities were found.
CONCLUSION: Prenatal and postnatal cytogenetic analysis of balanced translocation carriers is very important for genetic counseling of their families and relatives.
(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med 2005; 11:90-92)

Key Words: Balanced translocation, Amniocentesis, Habitual abortion

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