Report of Two Triploidy Cases Mimicking Trisomy 18 with the Second
Trimester Triple Marker Screening Test Results and Ultrasound Findings

Erhan ŞİMŞEK, Ebru TARIM, Esra KILIÇDAĞ, Zerrin YILMAZ, Feride İ. ŞAHİN, Filiz YANIK

Triploidy is estimated to occur in 1% of all conceptions. Most of the cases die in utero during the first trimester and the prevalence is reported to be 1 in 30 000 at 16 weeks' gestation. Presence of multiple congenital anomalies, severe oligohydramnios and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) along with anormal appearing placenta at the second trimester obstetric sonography may support the possibility for digynic triploidy. Here we present two cases of triploidy mimicking trisomy 18 with the 2nd trimester triple marker screening test results and some ultrasonographic findings.(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med 2005; 11:130-132)

Key Words: Triploidy, trisomy 18, Triple marker screening test

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