Torsion of Pedunculated Myoma Uteri Complicating Pregnancy

Süleyman GÜVEN, Emine Seda GÜVENDAĞ GÜVEN, M. Sinan BEKSAÇ

Uterine myomas are commonly found during pregnancy. Approximately 1.4 percent of all pregnancies are complicated with myomas. A 33-year-old primigravid woman at 30 weeks 6 days' gestation with severe preeclampsia was presented. During follow-up fetal distress in combination with acute abdomen and placental abruption developed. Emergency laparotomy revealed hemoperitoneum, abruptio placentae and torsion of pedunculated myoma which was 9cm in length, 8 cm in maximum width. Myomectomy with cesarean delivery was performed and a live 770gr infant was delivered. This report describes the torsion of a pedunculated myoma and hemoperitoneum in a pregnancy which occurs rarely. (Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med 2005; 11:145-146)

Key Words: Myoma, placental abruption, Pregnancy complications, Torsion

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