Is There Any Difference in the Management and Metabolic Features
Between Patients with Gestational Diabetes and Polycystic Ovary
Syndrome and Gestational Diabetes Alone?

Devrim ERTUNÇ, Ekrem C. TOK, Filiz ÇAYAN, Özlem BİLGİN, Saffet DİLEK

OBJECTIVE: It has been reported that ultrasonographic polycystic ovary appearance was more prevalent in patients with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and that gestational diabetes mellitus was more prevalent in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The purpose of this case-control study was to compare the metabolic features, management and pregnancy outcomes of patients with GDM regarding the presence or absence of PCOS.
STUDY DESIGN: The anthropometric variables, 50 g glucose challenge and 100 g oral glucose tolerance test results, fasting insulin levels, differences in the management of gestational diabetes and pregnancy outcomes were compared between patients with GDM and PCOS and GDM alone.
RESULTS: Although the patients with GDM and PCOS were more obese before pregnancy, there were no differences in glucose challenge and glucose tolerance test results, fasting insulin and weight gain during pregnancy. The need, the timing and the dosage of insulin therapy did not also differ according to the presence or absence of PCOS. Pregnancy outcomes were comparable between the groups, as well.
CONCLUSıON: Women with PCOS and GDM share similar metabolic features with women with GDM alone. However, they were more obese before pregnancy. The management of patients did not also differ according to the presence or absence of PCOS. The perinatal outcomes seemed similar, as well.
(Gynecol Obstet Reprod Med 2005; 11:167-170)

Key Words: Polycystic ovary syndrome, Gestational diabetes mellitus, Management, Pregnancy outcome

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