Katarakt Cerrahisi Sonrasi Diplopi: Olgu Sunumu

Arzu AYDIN*, Huban ATILLA**, Necile ERKAM***


Bilateral katarakt cerrahisi sonrasinda diplopi sikayeti gelisen 63 yasindaki olgumuzun göz muayenesinde; her iki gözde görme keskinligi tashihle tam ve biyomikroskopide horizontal rektus kaslari üzerinde konjonktival konjesyon ve psödofaki (arka kamara lensi) izlendi. Sag gözde hareketleri yukari ve yukari disa bakista kisitli idi. Sasilik muayenesinde camli uzakta 18PD sag ekzotropya, 20PD sag hipotropya, yakinda ise 25PD sag ekzotropya, 25PD sag hipotropya saptandi. Orbita MRI ve ultrasonografisinde; sag gözde alt ve dis rektusta daha belirgin olmak üzere tüm ekstraoküler kaslarda sola göre kalinlasma tespit edildi. Hastanin sag alt rektus ve dis rektus kaslarina 5'er mm geriletme uygulandi. Postoperatif dönemde diplopisi düzelen olgunun bulgulari tartisilmistir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Diplopi, Katarakt cerrahisi, Tiroid oftalmopati

Diplopia after Cataract Surgery: Case Report


In this case report 63 years old patient who have diplopia after bilateral cataract surgery is reported and on his ophthalmological examination visual acuities were 10/10 in both eyes and conjunctival congestion on horizontal rectus muscles and pseudophakic (posterior chamber lens) were seen. Motility of right eye was restricted especially in elevation and elevation and abduction. Strabismus examination revealed 18 PD right exotropia and 20 PD right hypotropia at distance and 25 PD right exotropia and 25 PD right hypotropia at near with spectacle correction. In orbital MRI and USG; all of the extraocular muscles especially inferior and lateral rectus were thickened in the right eye in comparison to the left eye. Right inferior and lateral rectus muscles were recessed 5mm. Diplopia improved at postoperative period and the findings were discussed.
Key Words: Diplopia, Cataract surgery, Thyroid ophthalmopathy

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