Karotikokavernöz Fistül Olgu Sunumu

Fatma A. KOCAOGLU*, Yasemin A. KATIRCIOGLU*, Cihan ÜNLÜ**, Dilek ÜNLÜBAY***, Sunay DUMAN****


Is kazasi sonucu depresyon fraktürü ve epidural hematom nedeniyle Nörosirürji kliniginde opere edilmis olan 34 yasindaki erkek hasta klinigimize görme kaybi sikayetiyle basvurmustur. Muayenesinde sag gözde proptosis, kemosis, konjonktiva damarlarinda genisleme, göz hareketlerinde her yöne kisitlilik, bilgisayarli tomogrofisinde sag superior oftalmik vende dolgunluk, intraarteriyel DSA'da karotikokavernöz fistül görülmüstür. Nörosirürji kliniginde trapping yapildiktan sonra bulgularda hizla düzelme izlenmistir. Basinin sol tarafinda agri ve sol gözde kizariklik sikayeti ile klinigimize basvuran 70 yasinda kadin hastanin sol gözünde hafif proptozis, pitoz, episkleral venlerde dolgunluk ve tortiozite gözlenmis, orbita tomografisinde sol superior oftalmik vende dolgunluk saptanmistir. Herhangi bir tedavi yapilmadan bulgularda spontan düzelme olmustur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Karotikokavernöz fistül, Trapping

Carotico-Cavernous Fistulas


A 34-year-old male patient who was operated for depression fracture and epidural hematoma at the Neurosurgery clinics was admitted to our clinic for vision loss. On his ophthalmologic examination he had proptosis, chemosis, conjunctival vasodilatation and limitation of ocular movements in all directions of gaze in his right eye. Computerized tomography showed dilatation of his right superior ophtalmic vein and carotico-cavernous fistula was seen at the intra-arterial DSA. The patient had recovered following trapping performed at neurosurgery and his symptoms disappeared. A 70-year-old woman was seen at our out-patient department with left-sided headache and left red eye. She had mild proptosis, ptosis, dilatation and tortiosity of episcleral veins at her left eye. The orbital tomography of the patient showed dilatation of her left superior ophthalmic vein. The patient had spontaneous recovery without any treatment.
Key Words: Carotico-cavernous fistula, Trapping

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