Paralitik Sasiliklarda Etyoloji

Nazife SEFI YURDAKUL*, Gülsah AYDENIZ**, Ahmet MADEN***


Amaç: Paralitik sasilik olgularinda etyolojik nedenlerin degerlendirilmesi.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Paralitik sasilik tanisi ile izlenen olgular retrospektif olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: Yas ortalamasi 32.3±23.6 yil (sinirlar, 1-80 yil) olan 128 olgunun 56'si kadin (%44), 72'si erkek (%56) idi. Etyoloji olarak 39 olguda (%30.5) konjenital, 36 olguda (%28.1) travma, 24 olguda (%18.8) vasküler, 16 olguda (%12.5) diger nedenler ve 13 olguda (%10.1) idyopatik etkenler saptandi. Troklear sinir pediatrik yas grubunda, abdusens eriskin yas grubunda en çok etkilenen sinir oldu (p<0.05).
Sonuç: Paralitik sasiligi olan her olguda tam bir nörooftalmolojik muayene sonrasinda gerekli arastirmalarin yapilmasi uygundur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Paralitik sasilik, Etyoloji

Etiology of Paralytic Strabismus


Purpose: To evaluate the etiologies of patients with paralytic strabismus.
Material and Methods: The patients followed-up with the diagnosis of paralytic strabismus were studied retrospectively.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 32.3±23.6 years (range, 1-80 years). Of 128 patients, 56 were women (44%), 72 were men (56%). Etiologies were congenital in 39 (30.5%), trauma in 36 (28.1%), vascular in 24 (18.8%), other causes in 16 (12.5%), and idiopathic in 13 cases (10.1%). The most commonly affected nerve was trochlear in the pediatric group and abducens in the adult group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Each patient with paralytic strabismus should undergo appropriate investigation after a complete neuro-ophthalmologic examination.
Key Words: Paralytic strabismus, Etiology

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