Duane Retraksiyon Sendromu:
Ambliyopi, Binoküler Görme ve
Eşlik Eden Anomalilerin

Aylin YAMAN*, A.Tülin BERK**, Zeynep ÖZBEK***, Gül ARIKAN*


Amaç: Duane retraksiyon sendromu (DRS)’nun klinik özelliklerini ve eşlik eden anomalileri incelemek.
Gereç ve yöntem:  Kliniğimizde görülen 63 DRS hastasının kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: Hastaların 37’si (%58.7) kız, 26’sı (%41.2) erkekti. DRS, hastaların 37’sinde (%58.7) sol gözde, 19’unda (%30.1) sağ gözde, 7 hastada (%11.1) ise bilateral olarak izlendi. Ellisekiz (%92) hastada tip I, 2 hastada (%3.1) tip II, 3 hastada (%4.7) tip III DRS mevcuttu. Hastaların %38’inde ezotropya, %15.8’inde ekzotropya, %3.1’inde hipertropya %42.8’inde ortotropya mevcuttu. Hastaların %14.2’sinde addüksiyonda aşağı ve yukarı atım mevcuttu. Hastaların %15.8’inde ambliyopi tespit edildi. Onüç hastada (%30.2) binoküler görmenin olmadığı görüldü. Hastaların %12.8’inde ek oküler ve sistemik anomali vardı. Beş  hastaya cerrahi tedavi uygulandı.
Sonuç: DRS olan 10 hastanın yaklaşık ikisinde ambliyopinin, üçünde binoküler görmenin gelişmediği görüldü. Eşlik eden sistemik ve oküler patolojiler göz önüne alındığında DRS hastalarının oküler ve sistemik açıdan değerlendirilmelerinin faydalı olacağı kanaatine varıldı. 
Anahtar Kelimeler: Duane retraksiyon sendromu, Ambliyopi, binoküler görme, Sistemik anomali

Duane’s Retraction Syndrome: Evaluation of Amblyopia, Binocular
Stereoacuity and Associated Anomalies


Purpose: To evaluate clinical characteristic of Duane’s retraction syndrome (DRS) and prevalence of associated abnormalities.
Material and Methods: The medical records of 63 patients with DRS were evaluated retrospectively.
Results: Thirty seven (58.7%) patients were female, 26 (41.2%) were male. Thirty seven patients (58.7%) had left, 19 patients (30.1%) had right and 7 patients (11.1%) had bilateral DRS. Fifty eight (92%) patients had type I, 2 patients (3.1%) had type II, 3 patients (4.7%) patients had type III. Thirty eight percent of patients had esotropia, 15.2% had exotropia, 3.1% had hypertropia and 42.8% had orthotropia. Upshoot or down shoot was present in 14.2% of patients. Amblyopia was present 15.8% of patients. Thirteen patients (30.2%) had no binocular stereoacuity. The associated congenital abnormality was found in 12.8% of patients. Five patients underwent surgery. Postoperative ocular alingment <10 prism diopters achieved in all patients.
Conclusion: Amblyopia affected approximately two in ten patients and absent binocular stereoacuity affected three in ten patients with DRS. In view of the freguency of other ocular systemic and ocular abnormalities, children with DRS should underwent a full ocular and medical assessment.
Key Words: Duane’s retraction syndrome, Amblyopia, Binocular stereoacuity, Systemic association

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